The KAB Seating Product Range

High comfort for all your heavy vehicles

Health and Safety First

Health, Safety & Environmental: KAB Seating is certified to both the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard and the AS4801 Safety Management Standard.

ISO 14001:2015 Environmentally Certified

ISO 45001:2018 Safety Certified

Throughout all our business practices, KAB Seating remains committed to meeting and exceeding all requirements in relation to employee, contractor, customer and environmental safety whilst remaining compliant to our social and corporate responsibilities.

Through compliance with the relevant local environmental health and safety acts, the organisation aims to provide a safe and healthy environment for employees, contractors, customers and visitors to the company. In order to achieve this high standard of environmental and safety compliance, KAB Seating utilises the latest technology and practice. Our approach towards the environment and safety is to make it a fully integrated part of our business practices. At KAB Seating, we are committed to the prevention of pollution and the protection of the Environment. We work closely with our suppliers to minimise waste using materials that can be reused or recycled. We consider the protection of our employers as our highest priority and integrate Health and Safety in all aspects of our business operations.